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Modernized surveillance control system and dispatch center

Modernized surveillance control system and dispatch center

Modernized surveillance control system and dispatch center
Today Mayor Milan Bandić opened a modernized supervisory control system (MSC) and dispatch center of Vodoopskrba i odvodnje Ltd. at the location of E. Patačić street, worth about 5 million kuna, on the occasion of the upcoming 142nd birthday of the city water supply system in the City of Zagreb, which started working in 1878. 
What does the new, modernized center represent for the system of rationalization of the water supply of the city of Zagreb, the director of Vodoopskrba i odvodnja Ltd. Mr. Marin Galijot explained.
"This is an important link, the starting point for managing the water supply system of the city of Zagreb. This new system is the brain, the heart of system management in the way that all information is collected and processed in order to achieve more rational system management ", explained director Galijot, announcing that in six to eight months the same center should be opened in Folnegovićeva Street. "The goal of all this is ultimately to reduce water losses. Also, I can proudly say that in the last two years we have a positive trend, a reduction of water loss by about 2%. "

In order to operate more reliably and efficiently and increase the quality of customer service, construction reconstruction and modernization of the dispatch center was carried out, to which about 200 calls are received daily, and emergency interventions of the Water Supply Sector to set the system to today's technological level. These are the reconstruction of the dispatch center equipment (video wall with six monitors, renovation of dual computers with multiple monitors and separate local computer network for MSC), reconstruction of all communication, network and electrical installations in the dispatch center and in the server room.

The modernization introduced an additional, new digital VHF communication channel with the aim of introducing new peripheral stations into this subsystem and gradually switching existing peripheral stations to a digital radio channel, which achieves up to 100 times faster data transfer than in the previous system. This reduces the time of the object polling cycle, up to 100 times the time required to refresh the information that relies on the uninterruptible power supply system.

The imperative of continuity of work, through this technical solution, and having in mind all aspects and specifics of the purpose of the supervisory management system, it will solve the speed and quality of administration and maintenance, as well as security and data availability and security of the entire supervisory management system. 142 years of long operation of public water supply and 128 years of public drainage in Zagreb.

The water supply sector performs the activities of providing public water supply services, abstraction, pumping, transport and distribution of healthy water to consumers. In the territorial area of ​​competence of Vodoopskrba i odvodnja Ltd. Zagreb manages more than a hundred water supply facilities located in the area of ​​the City of Zagreb, Samobor, Sveta Nedelja and the municipality of Stupnik. The growing need for connectivity of professional services and the availability of data has increased the requirements for the supervisory management system and the need for changes and modernization of the dispatch center as one of the key links of the water supply system.

Source: www.zagreb.hr